
1. Valis Resort Hotel

Agria Station

Tel: +30 24280 97260-5, Fax: +30 24280 97200


Indicative price (for five night reservation)

Double or single room: 80€/night

Junior Suite: 120/night (3 beds)

Suite: 150/night (3-4 beds)

For your hotel-room reservation please contact directly the Valis Hotel Reservation Office , mentioning that you are a MES9 Conference participant.


Additional hotels located in Agria

2. Museum hotel Barbara

22 Ap. Lampi St., Agria 37300

Tel: +30 2428 092 367, Fax: +30 2428 092 367

Indicative price (for five night reservation)

55€/night double room

48€/night single room


3. Hotel Ballas

6 Ap. Lampi St., Agria 37300

Tel: +30 2428 092 926

Indicative price (for five night reservation)

45€/night double room

35€/night single room






 For more information, please, visit the "Hotel Owners Association of Magnesia" website

Important Deadlines
Paper Submission: 10th Oct 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 10th Dec 2016
Early Registration: 15th Dec 2016
CameraReady Submission: 10th Jan 2017
Late Registration: 25th Mar 2017


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